At this article we are going to take a look at TweeCache Java library.
TweeCache provides high-performance caching library for Java and capability to execute SQL-query against data stored in cache.
Get Stated
It is required to execute two precondition steps before to start adding dependency to project by your favorite build tool.
- Download improved version of Apache Calcite jar and pom files from project repository
- Download TweeCache jar and pom files from project release page
Follow to guide to installing 3rd party JARs in order to put Apache Calcite and TweeCache to maven local repository.
The last step is to add dependency to your project:

Gradle has several ways to add dependency to project:
From local maven repository
Gradle supports maven local repository. Follow to guide to installing 3rd party JARs in order to put Apache Calcite and TweeCache to maven local repository.
The last step is to add dependency to your project:

From local directory on your computer
Download jar file with dependencies (-all suffix at file name) from project release page and put it at some directory, for example, at ${project.root.dir}/libs
The last step is to add dependency to your project:

Create Cache Schema
Usually, Cache represents a key/value storage. Methods to opetate over data in cache are similar to java.util.Map
ones. But SQL is tightly coupled with relation database managment system (RDBMS) that requires fixed table schema. Therefore, TweeCache internally creates schema where table storage is cache object and table columns are fields defined at cache value class.

TweeCache has special builder class dedicated to help construct TweeCache instance. Let’s look how to create TweeCeache object:

Cache name must be unique due to TweeCache compiles at runtime schema class with provided cache name. Method withSchema
represents builder to configure cache schema. You should add at least one table with table storage to new schema. Another words TweeCache could store multiple cache instances with different or the same data structures.
TweeCache internally uses Caffeine cache. You are free to configure Caffeine cache instance according to your needs. Please, see official Caffeine documentation.
You should invoke build
method after cache schema is configured. It returts java.util.Optional<TweeCache>
due to schema creation is complicated process. TweeCache intentionaly does not throw any exception. It logs any exceptions at error level and returns Optional.EMPTY
in such case.
Populating Cache Scheme
TweeCache is empty just it has been created. So it is time to fill cache data. The simplest way to do that is use method put

TweeCache provides the same operations over cache instance as Caffeine one. The main difference is TweeCache contains multiple cache instances. Therefore, you have to provide information about table name. You have two options to do that:
- implicitly using value’s class (as shown at code snippet above)
- explicitly providing table name (as shown at code snippet below)

Point to notice
TweeCache schema does not store cache key. Therefore, it is recommend to store key as value’s field.
Retrieving data from Cache
TweeCache provides several options to retrieve data from Cache:
- get value by id
- get all values
- get value(s) by SQL-query
Here is code example how to getById
and getAll

Getting value by its id and get all values are the same operations over cache instance as Caffeine one. The main difference is TweeCache contains multiple cache instances. Therefore, you have to provide information about table name. It is the similar toput
and putAll
Get data by SQL-query
TweeCache provides capability to execute SQL-query againts data stored in cache. You can query data at one cache instance or multiple cache instances using join
sql statement.

Method query
has two mandatory arguments:
- SQL-query string
row mapper
And one optional:
TweeCache support named SQL-parameters.
Point to notice
It is more efficient to get value by its id usingget
method rather than usingquery
TweeCache internally uses Apache Calcite to execute SQL-query against data at cache schema. Apache Calcite validate SQL-query, build query plan and execute query against supplied data.
SQL-query validator
Apache Calcite has own SQL-query validator. There are some tips to write SQL queries:
- always use cache schema name before table name
- always use aliases for table name
- always use aliases before table column name
SQL functions
TweeCache provides capability to define custom non-aggregate SQL functions. It can be useful for some cases. Let’s see one of them.
Let’s assume it is required to split comma separated string to array:

How to add SQL function? Here is steps to do that:
- Create public Java class
- Create public static method
- Make function implementation
- Add function to cache schema

Parsing SQL-query, performing validation and building query plan requires time to execute. Therefore, all precondition items of executed SQL-queries are stored at internal cache. Cache item’s lifetime is equal to 15 minutes after last access. Therefore, first SQL-query execution requires more time than next one.
See Java microbenchmark harness log output:
# Warmup Iteration 1: 2,712 ms/op
# Warmup Iteration 2: 0,234 ms/op
# Warmup Iteration 3: 0,140 ms/op
# Warmup Iteration 4: 0,137 ms/op
# Warmup Iteration 5: 0,136 ms/op
Iteration 1: 0,137 ms/op
Iteration 2: 0,137 ms/op
Iteration 3: 0,138 ms/op
Iteration 4: 0,136 ms/op
Iteration 5: 0,136 ms/op
And simple benchmark results:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
BenchmarkTest.selectQuery avgt 25 0,144 ± 0,007 ms/op
First query (non-cached) is executed for 2 712 ms. But all next query execution takes average for 0,144 ms. Execution time depends on a lot of options but non-cached query is slower than cached one. Testing is performed on AMD A8–6410 APU.
In this article, we take a look at TweeCache Java library. It provides high-performance caching library for Java and capability to execute SQL-query against data stored in cache.
Library repository is available on
See more usage examples at com.github.darrmirr.tweecache.TweeCacheTest